Proposal for Independent Work

1. DB of ITEC Faculty and Class Info

an idea that started a year or two ago... for the past few years the ITEC courses printed in the SFSU Class Schedule has had inaccuracies---wrong rooms, wrong times--and late changes--course cancelled or added. You'd have to go to or call the ITEC office to get the latest changes. Info was slow to show up on the ITEC website. What if all this info went into a DB that related Courses to their Course Descriptions to the Faculty (and their info) teaching them?

2. Virtual Walkthrough of ITEC

not an original idea...but a virtual walkthrough of ITEC. Will include Orientation for new ITEC students (where to go, what forms to fill out, etc.), as well as resources for current students (where to find the Cahill Learning Lab, for instance), and most importantly, graduation info for those graduating (how to fill out the GAP, and how to go about doing your 895 Field Study). This sounds like a *BIG* project..and could be our legacy for future students. ask yourself: if i were a new ITEC student, would this service/resource be invaluable to me?

3. to be determined

there is an idea just begging to see the light of day, but not today!

Created 28-Feb-2000. Last updated: 28-Feb-2000. Send comments to Daniel Wong.